A drunken man who caused £20,000 of damage by running over a Lamborghini was caught when his friends recorded him on their mobile
Unemployed Frankie Hulme, 23, jumped onto the bonnet and then ran across the roof of the £150,000 car after a night out.
His friends videoed him striding across the luxury vehicle and laughing as he jumped off.
They sent the video by Bluetooth to other friends in a pub.
But the footage was passed on to an employee of the car owner.
Police in Dereham, Norfolk, recognised Hulme and he ended up in Norwich Crown Court where he admitted criminal damage.
He was ordered to pay £1,000 compensation to car owner Neil Greentree, 38, and told to do 100 hours unpaid work.
See The Lamborghini Stunt
A drunk who caused £20,000 of damage by running over a Lamborghini has been caught after mobile phone footage of his stunt was sent by Bluetooth to punters in his local pub, including an employee of the car's owner. There is no commentary on this video.
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