Viseu lidera o grupo das seis melhores cidades portuguesas para viver, ocupando, ainda, o melhor lugar, a nível nacional, no ranking total do inquérito realizado pela DECO, Associação de Defesa dos Consumidores que envolveu 76 cidades: 18 capitais de distrito portuguesas sendo as restantes de Espanha, Itália e Bélgica.
O estudo será publicado na revista "Proteste" e refere os aspectos mais positivos e negativos das cidades.
Radio Viseu Cidade Viriato
sábado, 4 de agosto de 2007
2200 portugueses elegem cidades
Viseu, Castelo Branco, Aveiro, Bragança, Viana do Castelo e Braga são as melhores cidades para viver. Setúbal, Lisboa e Porto causam mais insatisfação.
Foot and mouth outbreak confirmed
An emergency operation to halt a new epidemic of foot-and-mouth disease has swung into action as farmers reeled at the confirmation of a fresh outbreak.
Meanwhile, a nationwide ban on the movement of all sheep, cattle and pigs was put in place.
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs said that a three kilometre "protection zone" and a 10 kilometre "surveillance zone" had been imposed around the farm.
A spokesman refused to give its exact location, but a graphic on the Defra website showed the centre of the zones to be between Guildford and Aldershot.
The outbreak raised the spectre of the foot-and-mouth epidemic of 2001, which brought chaos to Britain and left farming and tourist industries devastated.
The farm at the centre of the outbreak has been under restrictions since late on Thursday evening when symptoms were reported to the local animal health office.
Peter Kendall, the president of the National Farmers Union, said he has "enormous concern" about the situation. He said that a particular worry is that the livestock industry is already depressed.
Tim Bonner, spokesman for the Countryside Alliance, said: "Farmers around the country will be hoping and praying that this is an isolated incident and that the disease is not already widespread, because last time when we found out about it, it was already everywhere.
"We hope and pray that the lessons from last time have been learned. The handling of the crisis in 2001 was an unmitigated disaster."
sexta-feira, 3 de agosto de 2007
Madeleine Campaign Shifts Up A Gear
Madeleine McCann's parents are distributing a new poster of the missing four-year-old.
New poster distributed in Spain
Kate and Gerry McCann are in Huelva in Spain, close to the Portuguese border.
They are putting up posters of Madeleine across the city exactly three months after her abduction.
Madeleine's mother has already distributed the posters in shops around Praia da Luz, the Portuguese resort where she went missing.
The McCanns are hopeful that the new poster campaign will help in their search for Madeleine.
Writing on his blog, Gerry McCann said: "The figures from the National Centre For Missing & Exploited Children show that one in six kids are recovered after being recognised from a poster.
"Such statistics do encourage us that relatively simple measures may be effective in helping us find Madeleine."
The McCanns travelled along the main motorway between southern Portugal and Spain, which some believe could have been the route taken by Madeleine's abductor.
The couple are also visiting the cathedral in Huelva to pray for their daughter's safe return.
Madeleine's parents have taken their campaign to Spain before, as well as Italy, Germany, the Netherlands and Morocco.

Kate and Gerry McCann are in Huelva in Spain, close to the Portuguese border.
They are putting up posters of Madeleine across the city exactly three months after her abduction.
Madeleine's mother has already distributed the posters in shops around Praia da Luz, the Portuguese resort where she went missing.
Kate McCann said: "Gerry and I want to remind people that our lovely little girl, Madeleine, is still missing."
The McCanns are hopeful that the new poster campaign will help in their search for Madeleine.
Writing on his blog, Gerry McCann said: "The figures from the National Centre For Missing & Exploited Children show that one in six kids are recovered after being recognised from a poster.
"Such statistics do encourage us that relatively simple measures may be effective in helping us find Madeleine."
The McCanns travelled along the main motorway between southern Portugal and Spain, which some believe could have been the route taken by Madeleine's abductor.
The couple are also visiting the cathedral in Huelva to pray for their daughter's safe return.
Madeleine's parents have taken their campaign to Spain before, as well as Italy, Germany, the Netherlands and Morocco.
Europa mudou-nos em 20 anos
Os números da evolução do país desde que ele passou a integrar a Europa, em 1986, transmitem um retrato actual em quase tudo diferente da realidade de há 20 anos.
O INE cruzou dados nacionais e de organismos da União Europeia e traçou o perfil das mudanças ocorridas em Portugal. Há avanços nítidos e também estagnações, em outros casos distâncias bem marcadas face aos nossos parceiros.
A educação parece continuar a ser o maior abismo e, mesmo assim, mudou. A pobreza ainda é marcante, mas podemos vangloriar-nos de uma quase residual taxa de mortalidade infantil. Torna-se impossível imaginar como seria Portugal, se o país não tivesse entrado para a CEE (Comunidade Económica Europeia) em 1986, avisa-se na apresentação do estudo "Portugal, 20 anos de Integração Europeia", agora divulgado pelo Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE). Aí é afirmado também que nem tudo foi perfeito ao longo do processo.
Viagens em menos tempo
A transferência de fundos estruturais da Europa para o país é descrita como "a maior operação de solidariedade na história de Portugal". Os números dizem um pouco de quanto mudámos ou nem tanto. Quando da adesão, 63,5% dos portugueses consideravam ser "bom" integrar a Europa; agora, os que têm essa opinião reduziram-se para os 48,5%.
Há ideias feitas a cair por terra neste retrato traçado a números afinal, temos uma densidade de quilómetros de auto-estrada por cada 100 quilómetros de território que só fica atrás de pequenos países como a Bélgica ou a Holanda. Em contrapartida, temos um elevadissimo peso do transporte de mercadorias a circular nas estradas. As acessibilidades permitiram reduzir em média para cerca de metade o tempo de viagens para todo o país tendo como referência Lisboa. Houve sinais de recuperação demográfica na década de 90, ainda que a tendência já tenha desacelerado. O emprego e o desemprego obedecem fielmente aos ciclos de expansão e recessão económica, enquanto se verifica um aumento da desigualdade social na distribuição do rendimento, realidade partilhada com economias desenvolvidas. Já na pobreza, mesmo quando contados os apoios estatais aos indivíduos e famílias, temos valores acima da UE dos 15.
Portugal mantém uma posição pouco favorável entre os 15 no índice de desenvolvimento humano (em que entram factores como a saúde e saneamento). É certo que ele melhorou até ao começo deste século, mas a evolução teria de ser mais acentuada. A baixa mortalidade infantil, inferior à média europeia, é das escassas glórias nesta comparação de números. Na esperança de vida também registámos avanços e estes são reconhecidos ainda nos indicadores da educação, onde gastamos comparativamente mais recursos face aos ainda fracos resultados."Um paradoxo e um mistério".
É assim que o geógrafo Álvaro Domingues se refere aos números sobre educação. Temos um investimento superior ao da UE neste sector, mas um elevado abandono precoce das escolas. Para este professor da Faculdade de Arquitectura do Porto, estes desfasamentos terão de encontrar explicação em heranças culturais do passado, no posicionamento das famílias face à escola ou mesmo na procura destas de um rendimento que ampare os salários mínimos de muitos agregados. "Há questões que não se resolvem no mundo da escola, só lá desaguam", comenta. Para Álvaro Domingues, os números deste estudo mostram que o mapa de Portugal "encolheu" com mais e melhores ligações rodoviárias, mas as cifras não traduzirão as realidades de populações envelhecidas, no interior, que deixaram de ter os apoios tradicionais da família e da actividade agrícola. "As acessibilidades não resolveram as assimetrias regionais", comenta, acentuando que o estudo não faz a desagregação dos números por região. Vale, assim, a média nacional. Sobre o saldo positivo da imigração em anos recentes, o mesmo geógrafo alerta para o facto de não terem vindo a ser compatibilizados os portugueses que emigram com frequência para trabalhos de alguns meses.
Madeleine 'seen' in Belgium
The parents of missing Madeleine McCann marked three months since her disappearance as a possible sighting of her emerged in Belgium.
A customer at a restaurant in the Flemish town of Tongeren, not far from the Dutch border, said she was "100% sure" she had seen the youngster.
She said the girl was with a couple, a Dutch man and an English-speaking woman, who were acting strangely and not like "normal parents". A police spokeswoman said they were treating the report "seriously" and are looking for DNA on a drinks bottle used by the girl.
They have also issued an identikit drawing of the man based on the description given by the "trusted witness". It is the latest in a string of possible sightings since Madeleine disappeared in May, although none have turned into concrete leads. As news of the Belgian sighting spread across the continent, her parents Gerry and Kate McCann were travelling to Spain to mark the three months since her abduction. From their base at Praia da Luz in Portugal, they will travel to Huelva, the capital of Andalucia, and put up posters of the four-year-old across the city.
Police in Belgium were first alerted on Saturday after the customer at the De Pauze restaurant noticed a girl fitting Madeleine's description. The woman, a child therapist, said the couple with her did not seem to be acting like a mother and father, and told a waitress, Jolien Houbrech.
Miss Houbrech said: "A woman who was a child therapist came up to me and asked if I noticed any resemblance between Madeleine and the child. She said that because of her work as a child therapist she had noticed that the people's behaviour was not that of normal parents. After she said that, I said maybe she should call it in to the police."
Miss Houbrech, a 21-year-old student, said the child had long blonde hair down to her shoulders and was aged around five or six. The couple, who were driving a Volvo estate car with a Belgian number plate, left before the customer had raised her concerns, she added.
A Belgian police spokeswoman said: "We had a witness who possibly saw Madeleine McCann. She was accompanied by two people - a man and a woman. She was 100% sure it was Madeleine and it is a trusted witness. She works with children and noticed something unusual, that is why we are taking it seriously."
The spokeswoman added that results from the DNA tests were expected next week.
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