Explicações sobre cartaznão convencem
A direcção da Associação de Comerciantes do Distrito de Viseu (ACDV) vai reunir, (…)
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Radio Viseu Cidade Viriato
sábado, 9 de junho de 2007
A24 será concluída até ao final do mês
A24 será concluída até ao final do mês
Os últimos 11 quilómetros da A24 deverão abrir ao trânsito na última quinzena de Junho, (…)
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Os últimos 11 quilómetros da A24 deverão abrir ao trânsito na última quinzena de Junho, (…)
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Professor lesado na carreira ameaça processar Estado
Tirou o curso numa das mais prestigiadas escolas de Arte e Design da Europa e é professor de (…)
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Buscas no Douro sem rasto do bombeiro
O fim-de-semana poderá ser decisivo para a localização do jovem bombeiro de Cinfães que (…)
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Aeroporto de Lisboa retira cartazes de Madeleine
Aeroporto de Lisboa retira cartazes de Madeleine
Denuncia o porta-voz da família McCann
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Denuncia o porta-voz da família McCann
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quinta-feira, 7 de junho de 2007

Full Story
Parents In Germany
'They Must Fear The Worst'
Outrage At Accusation
Courtesy from Sky_News
quarta-feira, 6 de junho de 2007
Man tries to jump into Popemobile

- Search: Pope Benedict XVI
A German man tried to jump into Pope Benedict XVI's uncovered Popemobile as the Pontiff began his general audience and held onto it for a few seconds before being wrestled to the ground by security officers.
The Pope was not hurt and did not even appear to notice that the man had jumped over the protective barrier in the square and had grabbed onto the white Popemobile as it drove by. The Pontiff kept waving to the crowd and did not even look back.
At least eight security officers, who were trailing the vehicle as it moved slowly through the square, grabbed the man and wrestled him to the ground.
The man was a 27-year-old German who showed signs of "mental imbalance", said the Rev Federico Lombardi, a Vatican spokesman.
"His aim was not an attempt on the Pope's life but to attract attention to himself," Lombardi said.
The man, whom Lombardi declined to identify, was interrogated by Vatican police and then taken to a hospital for psychiatric treatment, he said.
The man wore a pink T-shirt and dark shorts, a beige baseball cap and sunglasses. He vaulted up and over the barricade from the second or third row back. He got as far as the back of the vehicle, holding onto it for a few seconds, before being wrestled to the ground.
The Popemobile kept moving, and the German-born Benedict kept waving, then proceeded with the audience as if nothing had happened.
Since the September 11, 2001, attacks, the Vatican has tightened security in St. Peter's Square when the Pope is present. All visitors must pass by police to get into the square, with some walking through metal detectors or being searched with metal-detecting wands.
Nevertheless, virtually anyone can attend the audience. While tickets are required, they can often be obtained at the last minute - particularly in good weather when the audience is held outside in the piazza.
Courtesy from AOL
terça-feira, 5 de junho de 2007
Ocean's 13: Clips galore!

Courtesy from AOL
Empresários premeiam ideias
Empresários premeiam ideias
A Associação Empresarial da Região de Viseu (AIRV) criou o "Prémio Inovação e (…)
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A Associação Empresarial da Região de Viseu (AIRV) criou o "Prémio Inovação e (…)
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Rota da Luz quer nova associação

A s regiões de turismo Rota da Luz e Serra da Estrela estão juntas na proposta de criação de (…)
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Alunos reprovados perdem

Candidatos têm de ter aproveitamento até ao fim do Ensino Secundário. Beneficiários não poderão vender ou alugar as máquinas nos primeiros três anos
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Barcelos: PJ investiga

A Polícia Judiciária de Braga está a investigar a possibilidade de a criança de nacionalidade russa, de quatro anos, retirada há dez dias da família a quem tinha sido confiada, em Barcelos, ter sido violada antes de ser entregue à família de acolhimento. A permanência da criança está agora dependente "da decisão final que sobre a situação vier a ser tomada pelo Tribunal de Família e de Menores", esclareceu, ontem, contactado pelo JN, o Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras. Hoje, às dez horas, os pais biológicos e os pais de acolhimento irão ser ouvidos no Tribunal para esse fim
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segunda-feira, 4 de junho de 2007
Paris checks in to county jail

US hotel heiress and celebrity Paris Hilton has reported to a Los Angeles County jail to begin a three-week stay for violating probation in an alcohol-related reckless driving case.
The 26-year-old heiress went to her parent's house after the MTV Music Awards and they drove her to the Men's Central Jail in LA, where she officially surrendered herself.
This was to avoid going directly to the Century Regional Detention Facility where she is due to serve her sentence. The photographers waiting outside were believed to pose a threat to her personal safety.
Though a judge sentenced her to 45 days behind bars, Paris was expected to serve only 23 days because of a state law that requires shorter sentences for good behaviour.
At the MTV Movie Awards she briefly spoke to reporters about her sentence. "I am trying to be strong right now,'' she said. "I'm really scared but I'm ready to face my sentence.''
Later her lawyer released a statement: "I am ready to face the consequences of violating probation. During the past few weeks, I have had a lot of time to think and have come to realise I made some mistakes. "This is an important point in my life and I need to take responsibility for my actions. In the future, I plan on taking more of an active role in the decisions I make."
The 13-year-old jail has been an all-female facility since March 2006. The two-storey concrete building sits in an industrial area about five miles south east of central Los Angeles beside train tracks and beneath a busy freeway. Paris will be housed in the facility's "special needs'' unit.
Officers arrested her in Hollywood on 7 September last year. In January, she pleaded no contest to the reckless-driving charge and was sentenced to 36 months' probation, alcohol education and $1,500 (£750) in fines.
She was pulled over by California Highway Patrol officers on 15 January. They informed Paris she was driving on a suspended licence and she signed a document acknowledging she was not to drive.
She was pulled over by sheriff's deputies on 27 February, at which time she was charged with violating her probation.
Courtesy from AOL
Kate police find body in woods

A man was being held on suspicion of murdering a woman whom police believe he dated five days ago.
Sales manager Kate Beagley, 32, vanished after going out with her new acquaintance in Richmond, south west London, last Wednesday.
Before dawn on Monday a body, understood to be that of Miss Beagley, of Walton-on-Thames in Surrey, was found by police at a nature reserve.
Forensic teams were continuing to scour the scene at Oxhey Woods near Watford in Hertfordshire.
After the body was discovered a 27-year-old man held by police since his arrest on Friday night on suspicion of kidnap was re-arrested on suspicion of murder.
Miss Beagley was last seen by her father at 6.30pm on Wednesday before she went out with her date to the Roebuck pub in upmarket Richmond Hill, police said.
Her father reported her missing on Thursday when she failed to show for work and missed a number of appointments.
Superintendent Jerry Westerman, leading the inquiry, urged anyone who saw Miss Beagley with a man described as black, in his 20s and 6ft 3ins tall in Richmond Hill last Wednesday night to contact police.
"This was a pre-arranged date with a man she had met the week before at a nightclub," he said.
"We believe Kate and the man may have called at the Roebuck Pub and may have crossed the road to the terrace and park area opposite.
"We are also very keen to hear from anyone who may have seen the couple later in or around Oxhey Woods."
Courtesy from AOL

Officers hunting for the missing four-year-old are wading through piles of information sent by mediums and following up leads.
Full Story
Courtesy from Sky_News
Multinacional cria 45 empregos
Multinacional cria 45 empregos
A maior empresa do mundo de comercialização de mobiliário e material de escritório, a Staples (…)
Courtesia do www.jn.pt
A maior empresa do mundo de comercialização de mobiliário e material de escritório, a Staples (…)
Courtesia do www.jn.pt
Enterrou a filha

A população de Bebedouro, na freguesia de Arazede, concelho de Montemor-o-Velho, está em estado de choque depois do corpo de uma bebé recém-nascida ter sido encontrado enterrada no quintal da habitação onde residem os pais da criança. Após uma denúncia anónima, o corpo da recém-nascida foi encontrado pelas autoridades policiais, sexta-feira à noite, cerca das 23.30 horas. Alegadamente, a criança terá sido morta pela própria mãe, mas a Polícia Judiciária de Coimbra não efectuou, até ao momento, quaisquer detenções e aguarda as perícias médico-legais
Courtesia do www.jn.pt
Secretas inglesas

Conversas telefónicas em árabe interceptada pelos serviços secretos ingleses, com recurso a um sofisticado sistema de satélites-espiões, veio virar ainda mais a atenção das polícias para o Norte de África, mais concretamente para Marrocos, na busca por Madeleine, raptada a 3 de Maio de um aldeamento turístico da vila da Luz, em Lagos, no Algarve. Segundo a imprensa britânica de ontem, que cita uma fonte da "secreta", referências a uma "menina loira", à visita dos pais de Madeleine ao papa Bento XVI e a um misterioso homem alemão fazem parte das conversas. As autoridades inglesas terão accionado os satélites do sistema-espião "Echelon", que pode monitorizar até três mil milhões de chamadas telefónicas por dia em todo o Mundo
Courtesia do Jornal_de_Noticias
Russia threatens new Cold War

- Search: The Cold War
- World news headlines
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Russia's president Vladimir Putin has warned that US plans to build a missile defence system in eastern Europe would force Moscow to target its weapons against sites in the west.
The threat, voiced in an interview with Italy's Corriere della Sera and other foreign media, marked one of Putin's most strident statements to date against the US plans and came just days before he is to join other leaders at a Group of Eight summit in Germany.
In the interview, Putin was asked whether the US move build a missile defence shield in eastern Europe would compel Moscow to direct its own missiles at locations and US military sites in western Europe, as during the Cold War.

"Naturally, yes," Putin said, according to Corriere. "If the American nuclear potential grows in European territory, we have to give ourselves new targets in Europe.
"It is up to our military to define these targets, in addition to defining the choice between ballistic and cruise missiles. But this is just a technical aspect."
It was unclear what Putin was referring to when talking about new targets in Europe. Russia has not overtly targeted Europe since signing a series of agreements with the US and European nations in the 1990s on not directing its missiles against specific countries, according to Pavel Felgenhauer, an independent military analyst based in Moscow.
Previously, some Russian military officials have said Moscow could aim Russian weapons at Europe-based missile systems.
The US made a formal request in January to place a radar base in a military area south-west of Prague, Czech Republic, and 10 interceptor missiles in neighbouring Poland as part of plans for a missile defence shield that Washington says would protect against a potential threat from Iran.
The plans have brought a strong reaction from Russia, which accuses the US of threatening Russian territory and of trying to start a new arms race.
The G8 summit from Wednesday to Friday at the Baltic Sea resort of Heiligendamm will bring together leaders of the US, Britain, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Russia, and Japan.

"If the American nuclear
potential grows in
European territory, we
have to give ourselves
new targets in Europe"
- Vladimir Putin
Courtesy from AOL
domingo, 3 de junho de 2007
End of season awards
Gallery: The Premiership story
The Player of the Season awards have been, the football writers' awards have gone, so now it's time for the Big Ones, the best and worst of the year as judged by AOL - the Oscars of the football world.
Player of the seasonCristiano Ronaldo - After the wailing and hand-wringing of England fans when he tried to get his Manchester United team-mate Wayne Rooney sent off at the World Cup, Ronaldo redeemed himself with some sparkling performances and great goals.
Didier Drogba - OK, so most fans may enjoy it more when Drogba is up-ended by some over-enthusiastic defender rather than when he's knocking the goals in but there's no denying the striker is a bit good. Chelsea were sometimes made to look a little lost without him up front.
Dimitar Berbatov - What's a Spurs player doing on this list? Well, we like Tottenham at the moment; they've got a manager who reminds us of Harry Enfield's Dutch policemen characters and they've got a striker in Berbatov who knocked in 23 goals this season and (if he stays) may help the club challenge for a Champions League spot. No, really, listen, we mean it....
Manager of the seasonSir Alex Ferguson - Remarkably quiet for many fans these days, especially those who get their football fix through Match of the Day and are forced to listen to Carlos Queiroz instead. A job well done.
Jose Mourinho - As ever, Mourinho was a mixed bag. Sometimes cryptic, sometimes funny but sometimes went too far as his spiteful attack on Cristiano Ronaldo demonstrated. Won a couple of Cups, mind.
Rafael Benitez - Well, the Champions League final was a game too far but Benitez still managed to eke out outstanding results in Europe from a solid, dependable squad. However, its the domestic season that needs attention. Was Mourinho right about Liverpool, are they incapable of mounting a serious Premiership challenge?
Steve Coppell - Even when the guy smiles (which isn't often) it's as though he's making a superhuman effort. After what Coppell achieved with Reading, surely he could allow his top lip to curl ever so slightly?
And the rest.....
Best buy - Carlos Tevez. He scored the winner on the last day at Old Trafford to keep West Ham United in the Premiership and millions of pounds richer. Makes the £5.5 million fine from the Premier League over the Argentinian striker's registration seem worth it.
Worst buy(s) - Andriy Shevchenko. £30 million for 14 goals in all competitions must make even his old chum Abramovich a touch disappointed.
Sicknote - Michael Owen. He spent nearly all season warming the physio's couch then after a couple of games the 'Comeback Kid' was being linked with a move out of Newcastle. Not a great return on the Magpies' £8 million investment.
Best resurrection act - Although West Ham United provided the Premiership's great escape, their success is still under a cloud. So, Sunderland have the honour of being the club brought back from the dead by their new messiah, Roy Keane. What miracles await in the Premeirship?
Goal of the season - Not from the Premeirship but this is an absolute cracker by Andres Vasquez Goal of the season.
Don't try this if you're of English extraction or else you might end up looking like this David Dunn tries something fancy
Worst blunder - Watford's goalkeeper Ben Foster for letting a 95-yard free-kick from his Tottenham opposite number Paul Robinson bounce over his head and into the net. Nick Hancock will have it in on a DVD before he knows it. Ben Foster
Best fracas - Alan Pardew and Arsene Wenger swinging their handbags at each other on the touchline as both bosses go out of their technical areas and out of their minds.
Best Bad boy J- oey Barton has been described as a combative player. The little midfielder is fully prepared to combat anyone, including his own players. Barton, who once mistook a member of the youth team for an ashtray, was suspended for knocking out team-mate Ousmane Dabo late last season. Despite his faults Barton is fully committed on the pitch and may soon be committed off it - if the DPP decide to prosecute.
Worst Manager - How could we possibly do worse than Sven Goran Eriksson? Step forward Steve McClaren. England's former number two has put us firmly in the number two
Most unfair sacking - Chris Coleman can consider himself unlucky after steering Fulham to 15th place with shallow funds and a policy of having to sell his best players. The board obviously wanted a Uefa cup place. Lawrie Sanchez be warned.
Most warranted sacking - Les Reed at Charlton. Why was he given the job in the first place? His short time in charge just about made the Addicks' relegation a certainty.
Courtesy from AOL
The Player of the Season awards have been, the football writers' awards have gone, so now it's time for the Big Ones, the best and worst of the year as judged by AOL - the Oscars of the football world.
Player of the seasonCristiano Ronaldo - After the wailing and hand-wringing of England fans when he tried to get his Manchester United team-mate Wayne Rooney sent off at the World Cup, Ronaldo redeemed himself with some sparkling performances and great goals.
Didier Drogba - OK, so most fans may enjoy it more when Drogba is up-ended by some over-enthusiastic defender rather than when he's knocking the goals in but there's no denying the striker is a bit good. Chelsea were sometimes made to look a little lost without him up front.
Dimitar Berbatov - What's a Spurs player doing on this list? Well, we like Tottenham at the moment; they've got a manager who reminds us of Harry Enfield's Dutch policemen characters and they've got a striker in Berbatov who knocked in 23 goals this season and (if he stays) may help the club challenge for a Champions League spot. No, really, listen, we mean it....
Manager of the seasonSir Alex Ferguson - Remarkably quiet for many fans these days, especially those who get their football fix through Match of the Day and are forced to listen to Carlos Queiroz instead. A job well done.
Jose Mourinho - As ever, Mourinho was a mixed bag. Sometimes cryptic, sometimes funny but sometimes went too far as his spiteful attack on Cristiano Ronaldo demonstrated. Won a couple of Cups, mind.
Rafael Benitez - Well, the Champions League final was a game too far but Benitez still managed to eke out outstanding results in Europe from a solid, dependable squad. However, its the domestic season that needs attention. Was Mourinho right about Liverpool, are they incapable of mounting a serious Premiership challenge?
Steve Coppell - Even when the guy smiles (which isn't often) it's as though he's making a superhuman effort. After what Coppell achieved with Reading, surely he could allow his top lip to curl ever so slightly?
And the rest.....
Best buy - Carlos Tevez. He scored the winner on the last day at Old Trafford to keep West Ham United in the Premiership and millions of pounds richer. Makes the £5.5 million fine from the Premier League over the Argentinian striker's registration seem worth it.
Worst buy(s) - Andriy Shevchenko. £30 million for 14 goals in all competitions must make even his old chum Abramovich a touch disappointed.
Sicknote - Michael Owen. He spent nearly all season warming the physio's couch then after a couple of games the 'Comeback Kid' was being linked with a move out of Newcastle. Not a great return on the Magpies' £8 million investment.
Best resurrection act - Although West Ham United provided the Premiership's great escape, their success is still under a cloud. So, Sunderland have the honour of being the club brought back from the dead by their new messiah, Roy Keane. What miracles await in the Premeirship?
Goal of the season - Not from the Premeirship but this is an absolute cracker by Andres Vasquez Goal of the season.
Don't try this if you're of English extraction or else you might end up looking like this David Dunn tries something fancy
Worst blunder - Watford's goalkeeper Ben Foster for letting a 95-yard free-kick from his Tottenham opposite number Paul Robinson bounce over his head and into the net. Nick Hancock will have it in on a DVD before he knows it. Ben Foster
Best fracas - Alan Pardew and Arsene Wenger swinging their handbags at each other on the touchline as both bosses go out of their technical areas and out of their minds.
Best Bad boy J- oey Barton has been described as a combative player. The little midfielder is fully prepared to combat anyone, including his own players. Barton, who once mistook a member of the youth team for an ashtray, was suspended for knocking out team-mate Ousmane Dabo late last season. Despite his faults Barton is fully committed on the pitch and may soon be committed off it - if the DPP decide to prosecute.
Worst Manager - How could we possibly do worse than Sven Goran Eriksson? Step forward Steve McClaren. England's former number two has put us firmly in the number two
Most unfair sacking - Chris Coleman can consider himself unlucky after steering Fulham to 15th place with shallow funds and a policy of having to sell his best players. The board obviously wanted a Uefa cup place. Lawrie Sanchez be warned.
Most warranted sacking - Les Reed at Charlton. Why was he given the job in the first place? His short time in charge just about made the Addicks' relegation a certainty.
Courtesy from AOL

Full Story
Courtesy from Sky_News
Campanha alarga-se à Holanda e Alemanha

Os pais de Madeleine partem durante esta semana para Berlim, na Alemanha, e Amesterdão, (…)
Polícia aposta na vila da Luz para solucionar caso Madeleine

Oque aconteceu a Madeleine McCann, a menina de quatro anos, que desapareceu de um aldeamento na (…)
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Restaurante televisiona

"Quer ver em directo a confecção do seu prato?". A pergunta pode surpreender os clientes do (…)
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Mudam de chave

Durante meio ano, jogaram com a mesma chave do euromilhões (25, 26, 29, 49 e 50 e as estrelas 7 e (…)
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Aldeia sofre com a morte

Todos os dias as vítimas do denominado "serial killer" de Santa Comba Dão faziam o mesmo percurso entre o estabelecimento de ensino que frequentavam e Cabecinha de Rei, localidade onde residiam. Foi nesse caminho, quase privado, que todas elas desapareceram, em 2005 e 2006. A recusa de um beijo poderá ter desencadeado uma reacção violenta que culminou com a sua morte. O alegado autor dos três homicídios, António Costa, um ex-militar da GNR, começa amanhã a ser julgado no Tribunal da Figueira da Foz, zona onde apareceu o cadáver da primeira vítima, Isabel Isidoro, de 17 anos
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