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sexta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2009

Man survives after being stabbed in the head

x ray head stabbing
This amazing X-Ray show the knife sticking out if his head

This amazing X-ray shows how a man survived being stabbed in the skull with a five-inch knife.

Thirty-eight-year-old dad Wen Wen walked into a hospital casualty room in Xi'an, central China, with the entire blade buried in his head and just the handle sticking out.

One ER nurse fainted as Wen walked up to reception at the Jiaotong University clinic with the hilt poking out of his head and casually answered questions about his injury.

The razor sharp blade sunk into Wen's head above his right ear, down into the nasal cavity and finally emerged into his mouth.

Astonishingly it missed several major arteries, blood vessels and nerves.

"He's incredibly lucky. He could walk and talk perfectly and he will make a full recovery. One or two centimetres in another direction, though, and he would be dead," said one medic.

Wen told doctors he'd been stabbed by his 76-year-old father who has now fled the family home.

"I was cleaning up the house when my father attacked me and did this to me with just one strike of the knife.

"He's old but sane and rational and I've no idea why he did it. I'm worried that he might think he's in trouble now and won't come back to the family," he said.

Anger after female stripper performs milky dance in jail

Pole dancer

A female stripper performed a sexy dance at a jail and authorities did nothing to stop it, according to a report.

The woman took her clothes off in front of male inmates and committed several lewd acts and "smeared her body with condensed milk," officials at the Spanish jail said.

A prison guards' union reported the event in a complaint with the Spanish prison system.

The complaint says a female deputy warden witnessed the striptease in a recreation area and did not stop it.

It says several female guards left the room in disgust.

Graffiti artists' have bottoms painted as punishment by police

graffiti on London Underground

Police spray-painted their hair, shoes and buttocks of four teenagers to teach them not to paint graffiti on public property, it has been claimed.

The teens also say police in Mexico slapped and kicked them before covering them in paint.

They presented paint-stained shoes and photos of their painted heads as evidence.

Guadelupe's police department says several officers have been suspended while the matter is being investigated.

The youths were fined more than $200 before being released on Tuesday.

Guadelupe is outside the city of Monterrey.

quinta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2009

Adolf Hitler taken from parents


Three siblings whose names have Nazi connotations - and whose family made headlines after a bakery refused to put one of the children's names on a cake - have been placed in the custody of the state.

Holland Township Police Sgt. John Harris said social workers removed three-year-old Adolf Hitler Campbell and his younger sisters, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell from their home, the Express-Times of Easton, Pennsylvania, reported.

Harris says family services did not tell police the reason the children were removed. Agency spokeswoman Kate Bernyk says it does not comment on specific cases.

The children and their parents, Heath and Deborah Campbell, received attention last month when a supermarket bakery refused to put Adolf Hitler Campbell's name on a birthday cake.

Jesus trades daughter for beer, meat and cash

Beer: do not trade your daughter's hand in marriage for it

A father called Jesus has been arrested for arranging to have his 14-year-old daughter marry a neighbour, in return for $16,000, lots of beer and some meat.

Police said they learned of the deal after Marcelino de Jesus Martinez, 36, asked them for help getting back his daughter after payment wasn't made.

Martinez was arrested on Sunday. He faces charges of procuring a child under age 16 for lewd and lascivious acts, statutory rape and cruelty to a child by endangering health, police in California said.

Police also arrested the intended groom, 18-year-old Margarito de Jesus Galindo, on suspicion of statutory rape, but prosecutors have not yet decided whether to charge him.

Martinez is a member of an indigenous Mexican Trique community. Greenfield police Chief Joe Grebmeier said the case highlights an issue confronting local authorities in that arranged marriages with girls as young as 12 are not uncommon among the Trique.

He hesitated to say that the girl was being sold into marriage, as the money was intended as a dowry and the beer and meat were for the wedding.

But he added that the arrangement violates California law, where the age of consent for marriage is 18, or 16 with parental approval.

'This is not a traditional trafficking case because there is no force or coercion in this,' Grebmeier said. 'We're aware of the cultural issues here, but state law trumps cultural sensitivity.'

Grebmeier is planning to meet with leaders in the Trique community to talk about how some cultural practices might conflict with California law.

'Initially, when everyone was talking to us, we learned a lot because they had no realization that it's against the law - an arranged marriage for money with a minor,' Grebmeier said.

Members of the indigenous community protested the news reports and public discussion of the case, saying they were painted in a very negative light.

'No one put a 'for sale' sign on this girl, and that's how it sounds,' said Rufino Dominguez, head of the Greenfield office of the Binational Center for the Development of the Indigenous Communities.

He added that the community did not normally approve of money being offered as a part of the marriage deal.

Police learned of the deal in mid-December, when Martinez reported his daughter as a runaway.

Further investigation found the girl had not fled but moved in with Galindo as part of the marriage arrangement. Grebmeier said the girl was a willing party to the deal.

Martinez would face at least a year in prison if convicted.

You can't fire me, I'm drunk

binge drinking drunk
It's just another day in the office for stock binge drink guy

Peru's top court has ruled that workers cannot be fired for being drunk on the job.

But the decision has been criticised by the Government for setting a dangerous precedent.

The Constitutional Tribunal ordered that Pablo Cayo be given his job back as a janitor for the municipality of Chorrillos, which fired him for being intoxicated at work.

Stray bullet smashes toilet bowl to bits

The toilet was smashed to bits by a stray bullet

There's excuses and there's excuses - and here's one of the most bizarre we've heard for a long time.

A toilet was left shattered after a man's gun fell out of its holster while he was pulling up his pants.

He told police in Utah that the gun fired when it hit the floor and the bullet smashed the bowl to bits.

As to what else could have caused such destruction, we can't for the life of us think.

quarta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2009

Noticias de Portugal

Inov-Art e Inov Mundus

  • Estágios no estrangeiro reforçam inserção de jovens no mundo do trabalho

PM apresenta programas Inov-Art e Inov Mundus
O Primeiro-Ministro presidiu à apresentação dos programas Inov-Art e Inov Mundus, em Lisboa, em 9 de Janeiro. Estes programas destinam-se a «dar mais oportunidades aos jovens no domínio da cultura e para que afirmem internacionalmente o nome de Portugal», declarou José Sócrates, que recordou também que a primeira medida aprovada pelo Governo, em 2005, foi o programa de estágios profissionais Inov Jovem o qual, juntamente com outros criados posteriormente, já permitiu a colocação de milhares de jovens em estágios e empregos em empresas nacionais e estrangeiras. «Com estes dois programas damos um bom contributo para a melhoria da política externa, para a melhoria da política cultural e para que Portugal seja um país de oportunidades para os jovens», acrescentou. Mais...

  • Eliminada intervenção presencial dos cidadãos no recenseamento militar

Jovens em navio da Marinha no Dia de Defesa Nacional
O Conselho de Ministros de 8 de Janeiro aprovou um Decreto-Lei que simplifica, desmaterializa e desburocratiza o recenseamento militar. Após a eliminação da obrigatoriedade dos cidadãos se apresentarem ao recenseamento militar durante o mês de Janeiro, do ano em que completam 18 anos de idade, este diploma vem, agora, simplificar o processo, eliminando a intervenção do cidadão no momento do recenseamento, obtendo-se, simultaneamente, maior eficácia e redução de custos. A recolha de informação necessária ao recenseamento militar e à sua actualização, passa a processar-se entre os Ministérios da Justiça e da Defesa Nacional, poupando os cidadãos a uma deslocação presencial obrigatória. Esta alteração visa, ainda, universalizar o recenseamento militar, procedendo-se de forma gradual à extensão do dever de comparência ao Dia da Defesa Nacional às cidadãs portuguesas.

  • Combate ao cancro do colo do útero

Imagem de jovens em idade de vacinação contra o colo do útero
O Conselho de Ministros de 30 de Dezembro aprovou a aquisição de 400 000 vacinas destinadas a prevenir o cancro do colo do útero - responsável por 300 mortes anuais de mulheres em Portugal. A vacina contra o vírus do papiloma humano foi iniciada em 2008, tendo Portugal sido o segundo país europeu a incluir esta vacina no Plano Nacional de Vacinação. Em 2008 foram vacinadas as meninas que fizeram 12 anos, sendo o objectivo para 2009 vacinar todas as que completem 13 e 17 anos, de forma a cobrir toda a população feminina jovem - uma vez que a eficácia da vacina é reduzida a partir do início da vida sexual. A Ministra da Saúde, Ana Jorge, referiu que vai também «ser alargado a todo o País o programa de rastreio do cancro do colo do útero, que é a medida mais eficaz em relação aos grupos não abrangidos pela vacina».

  • Integração de todos os trabalhadores por conta de outrem na segurança social pública

Vieira da Silva, Ministro do Trabalho e da Solidariedade Social
O Conselho de Ministros de 23 de Dezembro aprovou, na generalidade para consultas, um Decreto-Lei que determina que os trabalhadores que venham a ser contratados pelas instituições bancárias serão abrangidos pelo regime geral de segurança social. Assim, no cumprimento da actual Lei de Bases da Segurança Social, o Governo, os sindicatos e os bancos, estabelecem que a antiga Caixa dos Bancários passa a garantir os seus serviços apenas aos actuais inscritos, que manterão todos os seus direitos. Põe-se também cobro à situação de existirem bancários inscritos na segurança social com protecção perante todas as eventualidades, enquanto outros eram apenas protegidos perante algumas, sendo as outras garantidas pelo empregador, o que criava desigualdades de tratamento entre trabalhadores e entre bancos. Com esta diploma completa-se a integração de todos os trabalhadores por conta de outrem no sistema público de segurança social.

  • Desigualdades diminuíram entre 2005 e 2007

PM e Governo na Assembleia da República
O Primeiro-Ministro afirmou que as desigualdades sociais diminuíram em Portugal entre 2005 e 2007, no debate quinzenal na Assembleia da República, a 17 de Dezembro. Nas respostas às perguntas dos deputados, subordinadas ao tema das políticas económicas e do emprego, José Sócrates referiu os dados do Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE), que apontam para uma diminuição das desigualdades em 2007: em 2004 e 2005 «os 20% mais ricos ganhavam 6,9 vezes mais do que os 20% mais pobres», citou, acrescentando que em 2007, os 20% mais ricos ganhavam apenas 6,5 vezes mais do que os 20% mais pobres. «Há muita gente, que disse que as desigualdades estavam a aumentar, que tem de morder a língua», ironizou. O PM anunciou também o aumento do capital social da Caixa Geral de Depósitos em mil milhões de euros, uma vez que «nunca como agora o País precisou tanto do banco público».

  • Colocação de professores alargada de três para quatro anos

Imagem de professor
O Conselho de Ministros de 17 de Dezembro aprovou, na generalidade, um diploma que alarga de três para quatro anos o período de colocação dos professores e promove a sua integração, dos quadros de zona pedagógica, nos quadros de agrupamento de escolas ou escolas não agrupadas, mediante um concurso interno, visando o reforço da estabilidade do corpo docente. Aprovou também o regime transitório de avaliação dos docentes do pré-escolar, básico e secundário, para vigorar até ao final do 1.º ciclo de avaliação, em 31 de Dezembro de 2009, que corrige alguns pontos do modelo de avaliação, nomeadamente, a existência de avaliadores de áreas disciplinares diferentes dos avaliados, a burocracia dos procedimentos previstos e a sobrecarga de trabalho inerente ao processo de avaliação. Um terceiro decreto, regulamenta os termos e as condições da atribuição do suplemento remuneratório dos directores, subdirectores e adjuntos das escolas e agrupamentos, bem como de outros directores, no quadro do novo regime de autonomia, administração e gestão das escolas.

Nappies created for birds

bird nappy
Bird-brained idea? The FlightSuit

Do you like to give your parrot the freedom of the house but hate cleaning up when it gets caught short?

If so, put your pet in a nappy and let it fly by the seat of its pants.

The FlightSuit allows birds to 'enjoy more out-of-cage time without the mess, inconvenience, and embarrassment of soiling your clothing or furnishings', according to US makers Flight-Quarters.

The unusual underwear comes in 14 sizes to suit the smallest parrotlet to the largest macaw.

But some bird lovers are furious that 'highly intelligent' parrots could be made to wear 'undignified' nappies, according to one website.

Cops held over brothel brawl

Prison Bars

If you're an elite police officer, it's probably not a good idea to get arrested for having a fight in a brothel.

But that's what happened to three top Frankfurt police officerscops, who have been detained by police and are under investigation for assault following a brawl in a brothel, according to a Frankfurt police spokesman.

Confirming a report in Bild newspaper, the spokesman said the three officers of the elite SEK anti-terrorism unit had been transferred to another department pending the outcome of the investigation by the state prosecutors' office.

The three off-duty officers, aged 30, 32 and 35, were in a red-light district of Germany's financial capital after an office party.

They got into a dispute with the brothel's bouncers that turned violent. Police arriving detained their colleagues.

Man trades daughter for beer, meat and cash

Beer: do not trade your daughter's hand in marriage for it

A man has been arrested in California for arranging for his 14-year-old daughter to marry a neighbor in exchange for $16,000, 100 cases of beer and several cases of meat.

Police in Greenfield, a farming community on California's central coast, said they learned of the deal after Marcelino de Jesus Martinez, 36, asked them for help getting back his daughter after payment wasn't made.

Martinez was arrested on Sunday. He faces felony charges of procuring a child under age 16 for lewd and lascivious acts, statutory rape and cruelty to a child by endangering health.

Police also arrested the intended groom, 18-year-old Margarito de Jesus Galindo, on suspicion of statutory rape, but prosecutors have not yet decided whether to charge him.

Martinez is a member of an indigenous Mexican Trique community. Greenfield police Chief Joe Grebmeier said the case highlights an issue confronting local authorities in that arranged marriages with girls as young as 12 are not uncommon among the Trique.

He hesitated to say that the girl was being sold into marriage, as the money was intended as a dowry and the beer and meat were for the wedding.

But he added that the arrangement violates California law, where the age of consent for marriage is 18, or 16 with parental approval.

'This is not a traditional trafficking case because there is no force or coercion in this,' Grebmeier said. 'We're aware of the cultural issues here, but state law trumps cultural sensitivity.'

Grebmeier is planning to meet with leaders in the Trique community to talk about how some cultural practices might conflict with California law.

'Initially, when everyone was talking to us, we learned a lot because they had no realization that it's against the law - an arranged marriage for money with a minor,' Grebmeier said.

Members of the indigenous community protested the news reports and public discussion of the case, saying they were painted in a very negative light.

'No one put a 'for sale' sign on this girl, and that's how it sounds,' said Rufino Dominguez, head of the Greenfield office of the Binational Center for the Development of the Indigenous Communities.

He added that the community did not normally approve of money being offered as a part of the marriage deal.

Police learned of the deal in mid-December, when Martinez reported his daughter as a runaway.

Further investigation found the girl had not fled but moved in with Galindo as part of the marriage arrangement. Grebmeier said the girl was a willing party to the deal.

Martinez would face at least a year in prison if convicted.

terça-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2009

New Zealand baby named Zealand-New

Newborn baby child
A baby: there's a reason we don't call them things like Congo Of Republic Democratic or Ireland Northern And Britain Great Of Kingdom United

A baby girl born in New Zealand is the latest child to be lumbered with a name that will haunt her in later life, after her parents decided to call her Zealand-New.

The girl's name was the suggestion of her grandmother, Sharron Te Moni, who explained: 'I was fiddling around and it was something different to say it back to front.'

Zealand-New – or, to give her her full name, is Zealand-New Sharron Phyllis Atareta Davoren – was born in the Bay of Plenty area on New Zealand's North Island.

The girl's mother, Tomicina Davoren, admitted: 'It is unusual to name your child that. You hear New Zealand every day, but not as someone's name.'

Zealand-New joins Davoren's three other children, who are named Rlexuz Toara Chantz Te Moni, Mikaere Morgan Te Moni and Korizma-Lake Vonnita Manaaki Te Moni, according to the Bay Of Plenty Times.

107-year-old woman finally ready for marriage


A 107-year-old Chinese woman who was afraid to marry when she was young has decided that now is the time to look for her first husband.

She sasy that she hopes to find a fellow centenarian, so they will have something to talk about, a Chinese newspaper reported.

Wang Guiying is worried she is becoming a burden to her aging nieces and nephews since she broke her leg when she was 102 and had to stop doing household chores

I'm already 107 and I still haven't got married,' the Chongqing Commercial Times quoted her saying. 'What will happen if I don't hurry up and find a husband?'

Born the child of a salt merchant in southern Guizhou province, Wang was always fearful of getting married after seeing how badly her uncles treated their wives.

'All the married people around there lived like that. Getting married was too frightening,' she said of an era when Chinese women had few rights and low social standing.

Many also had their feet bound in an excruciating process aimed at making them look more dainty and marriageable.

After Wang's father, mother and older sister died, she still shied away from marriage. Instead she moved to the countryside and survived as a farmer until she was 74 years old, the report said.

Her nephew in the booming city of Chongqing then took Wang in, but she is worried he and her other nephews and nieces are too old to take care of her now. Even the youngest is 60.

'My nephews and nieces are getting older and their children are already tied up with their own families and I am becoming more and more of a burden,' she said.

Local officials have said they are happy to help Wang search for a 100-year old groom, and suggested her family get in touch with old people's homes to find candidates, the paper said.

segunda-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2009

Robber waits in queue to hold up bank


A robber may have tipped off his intentions when he stood in a queue at a bank wearing a ski mask before staging a holdup.

Police in the US state of Ohio said Feliks Goldshtein of Highland Heights was arrested following a brief car chase.

Police say the teller asked the man to take off the mask before being served.

The man displayed what turned out to be a toy gun and demanded money from the teller. He made off with an undisclosed amount.

Police Captain Rick Myers said it's unusual for a masked robber to wait in a queue at a bank.

The 24-year-old man has been charged with aggravated robbery and failure to comply with a police order.

Busty TV presenter fined over phone violence

Adela Romania
Presenter Adela Lupse goes bonkers during the television programme

A TV station has been fined £1,000 after the presenter on a live phone in quiz show threw a fit after no viewers called in.

Busty presenter Adela Lupse started screaming at the camera, smashed the phone on the ground and then jumped up and down on it before grinding the phone under her foot.


At the same time she screamed repeatedly at the camera "I want the phone to ring now. Now. Call me now."

Angry TV bosses fired her after the outburst on Romanian TV station National TV.

But Lupse, who has been the show's presenter for three years, said: "Maybe I was a bit over the top but I wanted to get people to call - there is a lot of pressure to get people to call in with the correct answer. It was a bad day."

But Romanian TV watchdog the National Audiovisual Council of Romania failed to see the funny side and fined the station £1,089 for the outburst that showed "unjustified violence".

It also ruled that the show be slapped with an X rating and only broadcast after 10pm when children are in bed.