Radio Viseu Cidade Viriato
sábado, 4 de outubro de 2008
Komodo Dragon celebrates its birthday

Stop-smoking intervention goes horribly wrong

The couple died of head injuries after being beaten with broomsticks and motorbike helmets during a family gathering at a Kuala Lumpur home Wednesday, said Ku Chin Wah, head of the city's crime investigations department.
One of the couple's sons and three other relatives remain in custody. Four other detained family members have been released, Ku said.
According to those detained, a nephew suggested the beating ritual after the man said he could not stop smoking and the woman complained of a liver ailment, Ku said.
It is not clear who was responsible for the deaths, but local media reported that the nephew convinced all the members of the Muslim family to beat each other.
The couple's 15-year-old niece, also injured in the beating ritual, has been hospitalized, Ku said. Several others, including the couple's children, who are 14, 19 and 21 years old, also suffered injuries.
Police are still investigating the case. Local media reported the families are believed to have joined a cult recently, but that could not be immediately confirmed.
'Nasty' 7-year-old feeds zoo animals to croc

“It was like he was playing a game,” he said. He killed 13 animals worth around 7,000
Australian dollars (US$5,500), including a turtle, bearded dragons and thorny devil lizards, Neindorf said. Although none were rare, some would be difficult to replace, he said.
“We're horrified that anyone can do this, and saddened by the age of the child,” Neindorf said.
Alice Springs police said they identified the boy, who lives locally, but were unable to press charges because of his age. Children under age 10 are not criminally liable under the law in the Northern Territory.
“By all accounts, he's quite a nasty 7-year-old,” said Neindorf, who plans to sue the boy's parents. “If we can't put the blame onto the child, then someone has to accept the responsibility.”
The zoo's security system, which relies on sensors, probably did not detect the boy because he is so small, Neindorf said.
Rude parrott is addicted to saying w****r

Owners Aaron and Kate Lenihan spent hours teaching pet Grey African parrot Charlie to squawk dozens of words when they bought him as a baby.
But tearaway Charlie became hooked on the swear word and now drives Aaron, 27 and wife Kate, 31, mad by constantly squawking "w*nker" and "cha cha w*nk w*nk."
Housewife Kate says rude Charlie "went off the rails" and now demands his favourite chicken tikka masala curry by swearing and tossing a food bowl around his 5-feet high cage.
We have tried teaching him to say 'oh sh*t' but w*nk is definitely his favourite
Stunned neighbours in St George, Bristol, are so shocked by the bird's antics that Kate has put the one foot tall exotic bird on sale for £625.
Mum-of-three Kate has now put "rogue" Charlie up for for sale because he has frightened away all their friends.
She said: "We have tried teaching him to say 'oh sh*t' but w*nk is definitely his favourite.
"We thought that if we could teach him other words then that would stop him from saying w*nker but it hasn't worked.
"It's really embarrassing when friends come round to visit because he's always calling them rude words.
Charlie wolf whistles at passing women and spends hours watching cartoons on TV and nodding to his favourite music - gangster rap.
Grey African Parrots originate from West and Central Africa and are one of the most intelligent birds.
sexta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2008
Thieves steal condoms, leave massive condom behind

The condom goods were all stolen from a 'condom-mobile' used to promote HIV/AIDS awareness in Mexico City.
The coordinator of an HIV/AIDS awareness tour, Polo Gomez, said the truck was taken on Sunday from its parking spot in front of a friend's house.
The truck was recovered on Wednesday in a shopping mall parking lot in a northern suburb - but the condoms and the equipment were missing.
Gomez said the thieves left some 800 HIV tests. More importantly, they also decided against stealing the 23-foot-long condom that came with the vehicle.
After the theft received widespread media coverage, residents phoned police with the vehicle's whereabouts, Gomez said.
The Condomovil program has toured Mexico since 1998 promoting safe sex practices while distributing 1.2 million condoms to more than 700,000 people, Gomez said. The inflatable condom was used to draw attention from passers-by.
quarta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2008
Pictured: The moment a grey heron catches a baby rabbit by the ears, drowns it, then swallows the thing whole
Herons mainly eat fish but will also take birds and small mammals. This one was searching for a meal when it spotted the baby rabbit emerging from a hole.
Swooping down it grabbed its prey by the ears, took it to water and drowned it - then swallowed the rabbit whole.

'I was trying to get some nice shots of this grey heron,' said the 56-year-old Dutchman.
'After taking several shots, a little rabbit appeared out of a hole.
'The heron was interested in it and slowly approached the little rabbit. You could feel the tension.'

'In a split second, the bird caught the rabbit,' said Sprang. 'I managed to take two photos and the bird flew away with its food in its bill.'
Sprang followed the bird by car. He added: 'It landed in some water and I took several photos of the rest of the story.
'I have often seen herons catching prey like mice and fish but catching a rabbit was a surprise.'
In the Netherlands, the grey heron has become very common and has moved into urban environments in great numbers.
There, the herons hunt as they usually would but also make use of food discarded by humans and even visit zoos at feeding times.
segunda-feira, 29 de setembro de 2008
Beira Alta

Distrito da Guarda: Aguiar da Beira, Almeida, Celorico da Beira, Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo, Fornos de Algodres, Gouveia, Guarda, Manteigas, Meda, Pinhel, Sabugal, Seia, Trancoso.
Distrito de Viseu: Carregal do Sal, Castro Daire, Mangualde, Moimenta da Beira, Mortágua, Nelas, Oliveira de Frades, Penalva do Castelo, Penedono, Santa Comba Dão, São Pedro do Sul, Sátão, Sernancelhe, Tarouca, Tondela, Vila Nova de Paiva, Viseu, Vouzela.
O investimento Português no estrangeiro e o investimento Estrangeiro em portugal
O INVESTIMENTO PORTUGUÊS NO ESTRANGEIRO E O INVESTIMENTO ESTRANGEIRO EM PORTUGAL : em 2007, estima-se que serão transferidos para o estrangeiro mais de 18.000 milhões de euros de rendimentos resultantes de IDE em Portugal (11,5% do PIB)

Entre 1996 e 2005, o “stock” de investimento de empresas portuguesas no estrangeiro aumentou em 1197,9%, pois passou de apenas 2.896 milhões de euros para 37.591 milhões de euros, portanto cresceu em 34.695 milhões de euros.
Se consideramos um período de 5 anos (2000-2005), como fizemos anteriormente para a FBCF (investimento) em Portugal, entre 2000 e 2005, o “stock” de investimento de empresas portuguesas no estrangeiro aumentou 202% pois passou de 18.585 milhões de euros para 37.591 milhões de euros (+ 26.971 milhões de euros).
Se analisarmos a variação do “stock” de investimento de empresas portuguesas no estrangeiro não em milhões de euros, mas em percentagem do PIB português concluímos que ele teve também um crescimento impressionante. Em 1996 correspondia a apenas 3,2% do PIB, mas em 2000 já representava 15,2% e, em 2005, o “stock” de investimento já correspondia a 25,3% do nosso PIB.

Os dados constantes do quadro anterior referentes ao período 2000-2006 são valores efectivos divulgados pelo Banco de Portugal. O de 2007, é uma estimativa que fizemos tomando como base os efectivos também do Banco de Portugal relativos aos sete primeiros meses de 2007 (Jan./Jul = 6.767 milhões de euros )

Demografia: População portuguesa continuará a envelhecer um ano em cada cinco anos - estudo
Esta é a conclusão de um estudo de projecção demográfica elaborado pela Associação Portuguesa de Famílias Numerosas (APFN), que será divulgado a 27 de Setembro no seminário intitulado "Inverno demográfico: o problema. Que respostas?", a realizar na Assembleia da República.
Em declarações à agência Lusa, Fernando Ribeiro e Castro, presidente da Associação, recorda que a população portuguesa continua a envelhecer a um ritmo "mais do que preocupante", sublinhando que está na "hora de o Governo tomar medidas para inverter esta tendência sob pena de irmos pagar um preço muito alto no futuro próximo".
Para a Associação Portuguesa de Famílias Numerosas, o envelhecimento da população pode ser travado através de uma política que permita às famílias terem os filhos que desejam sem que por isso sejam penalizados, o que levará a que o Índice Sintético de Fertilidade (número médio de filhos por mulher em idade fértil) seja de 2.1, um valor igual ao número médio de filhos desejados.
Caso o Índice Sintético de Fertilidade se mantenha constante, a situação demográfica agravar-se-á ainda mais, elevando bastante a já grande desproporção entre idosos relativamente a jovens e pessoas em idade activa.
Segundo a Associação Portuguesa de Famílias Numerosas, o Índice de Dependência de Idosos (número de idosos por cada 100 pessoas em idade activa) atinge, segundo o estudo da associação, um máximo de 48 em 2050.
Para Fernando Ribeiro e Castro, esta situação resulta de "30 anos de distracção dos sucessivos portugueses" que "nunca admitiram haver problemas sérios a nível demográfico para resolver em Portugal".
Outro problema reside, acrescentou, no facto de Portugal continuar a promover o divórcio - "de que é exemplo acabado a última proposta de lei do Governo de Sócrates" - em detrimento da promoção da "estabilidade do casamento e cós casais".
"O Estado tem que ver que o casamento é um valor importante porque a estabilidade conjugal é muito importante para o futuro de um país", frisou.
De entre as medidas "aberrantes" existentes em Portugal, Fernando Ribeiro e Castro citou o facto de em sede de IRS um divorciado poder descontar até 6.000 euros por cada filho a cargo, o que é inadmissível".
Fernando Ribeiro e Castro defende assim que o Governo português deve considerar "o terceiro filho ou o de ordem superior (acima do terceiro) uma riqueza nacional" porquanto é ele que "vai suportar as reformas no futuro".
Um especialista do Instituto de Política Familiar da Europa, outro da Confederação Europeia de Famílias Numerosas, eurodeputados portugueses, sociólogos e deputados contam-se entre os participantes no seminário, cuja sessão de encerramento será presidida pelo ministro do Trabalho e da Solidariedade Social.
A passagem de um vídeo, inédito na Europa, Desafio demográfico na Europa, Desafio demográfico em Portugal, Desafio demográfico e sustentabilidade económica e social são os painéis em que se divide o seminário.
domingo, 28 de setembro de 2008
World population
Those familiar with the earlier version will note that the range in which the new version gives reasonable estimates has increased considerably. It is of some interest to note that this approximation predicts that the population will start decreasing before the end of the 21st century.
The raw data is from the U.S. Census Bureau, and is not uncontroversial. For instance, the UN, with its data, considered 1999 October 12 to be the "day of six billion", but the approximation here (which I for one have more faith in) puts it at 1999 June 18, nearly four months earlier.
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