God has apparently replied to a terror lawsuit against him in the States - by claiming he is immune to Earth's laws.

A lawyer in Omaha, Nebraska, has filed an injunction against the supreme being - claiming he has made terrorist threats against him and his constituents.
Ernie Chambers, a prominent civil rights leader and a member of the state legislature, claimed the Almighty had inspired fear and caused "widespread death, destruction and terrorisation of millions upon millions of the Earth's inhabitants".
The self-proclaimed agnostic is seeking a permanent injunction against God.
But now it seems the creator has responded to the lawsuit after a file apparently dropped in from the heavens.
"This one miraculously appeared on the counter. It just all of a sudden was here, poof!" said John Friend, clerk of the Douglas County District Court in Omaha.
Signed by "God" the response argues that the defendant is immune from our planet's laws and that the US court lacks jurisdiction over God.
Blaming the Almighty for human oppression and suffering misses an important point, it says.
"I created man and woman with free will and next to the promise of immortal life, free will is my greatest gift to you," claims the response.
St Michael the Archangel is listed as a witness, Mr Friend noted.
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