Radio Viseu Cidade Viriato
terça-feira, 7 de agosto de 2007
Tests confirm second FMD outbreak
Chief vet Debby Reynolds said on Monday night that cattle on a second farm within the protection zone in Surrey were being culled on suspicion that they were carrying the disease.
Mr Benn told BBC Breakfast: "The chief veterinary officer will confirm shortly this morning that the tests that were done overnight on the samples taken from the animals culled does confirm foot-and-mouth."
It is not known if the source of the second outbreak was the first affected farm, near the village of Normandy, outside Guildford, or the research institute in nearby Pirbright that has been linked to the infections.
Mr Benn said the speed with which the second outbreak was identified showed measures to control the disease were working.
He said: "It shows that the arrangements that we have put in place in the protection and surveillance zones have worked to identify this further outbreak in view of this new development.
"It is a result of the visits that were paid by veterinary staff and vets to premises.
"They noticed (on Monday) clinical signs of foot-and-mouth in the animals. A swift decision was taken to cull them, the tests were done overnight.
"It is within the protection zone, and it shows the continuing need for vigilance."
It is not known if the source of the second outbreak was the first affected farm, near the village of Normandy, outside Guildford, or the research institute in nearby Pirbright that has been linked to the infections.
McCanns believe Madeleine is alive
Portuguese newspapers reported that detectives now suspect the young girl was not abducted at all, but died in her family's holiday flat in the Algarve village of Praia da Luz on May 3.
Blood specks found in the apartment are now being tested to see if they came from the missing four-year-old, reports claimed.
Sitting side by side, Kate and Gerry McCann spoke in subdued tones as they gave an interview to rebut suggestions that police now think Madeleine is dead.
The couple said they continued to "hope and pray" every day for the key breakthrough in the police investigation that would bring their daughter back to them.
Mrs McCann told Sky News: "Even last week when we met with the police they said, 'we are looking for a living child'. And they've said that a lot."
British sniffer dogs trained to find human remains discovered traces of blood, believed to be Madeleine's, on a wall in the McCann apartment, the Portuguese paper Jornal de Noticias reported. Detectives now believe it is most likely the young girl was accidentally killed inside the flat, the newspaper claimed.
Another Portuguese paper, the Diario de Noticias, reported: "The Policia Judiciara has known for a month that Madeleine McCann was killed on the night of May 3, in the apartment in the Ocean Club resort in Praia da Luz, having definitely abandoned the theory she was abducted."
The McCanns, from Rothley, Leicestershire, have found recent press reports like this "very hurtful", a family spokeswoman said. Asked about the reports that blood was found in the flat, Mr McCann said he could not comment on specific details of the police inquiry.
Portuguese newspapers have suggested the police investigation is moving away from Robert Murat, at present the only official suspect or "arguido" in the case.
domingo, 5 de agosto de 2007
Antigos moinhos de água viram casa de campo

O espaço ainda não está aberto, mas já e muito procurado pelos turistas, que preferem o interior campestre e gracioso às concorridas praias do litoral. "Embora a casa (com dois quartos) já esteja completamente equipada, faltando apenas os arranjos exteriores, já muita gente passa por aqui a querer saber se pode cá ficar alojada", lembra António Rocha dos Santos, o empresário que também é presidente da Junta de Freguesia de Segões. Filho de antigos moleiros, conta inaugurar o complexo ainda este ano.
A recuperação dos dois moinhos, já seculares, foi quase feita pedra a pedra, dado o seu estado de degradação, acentuado por uma cheia nos anos 60 e por um grande incêndio há duas décadas, que quase os destruiu por completo. "Praticamente só ficaram as paredes", recorda António Santos.
As obras de requalificação "respeitaram integralmente a traça primitiva", garante o empresário, que já ali investiu mais de 120 mil euros.
O projecto foi candidatado ao programa Lider+, que deverá financiar os trabalhos em cerca de 27500 euros. "Ainda não recebi um único cêntimo, e como não queria estar à espera do financiamento, fui avançando com a obra com dinheiro meu", explica.
Para o complexo ficar concluído, faltam os arranjos exteriores, que incluem a conservação da ponte que lhe dá acesso e o ajardinamento do terreno que o envolve. "Só depois de tudo pronto é que inauguro a casa de campo", afirma António Santos. Ao lado dos antigos moinhos, o empresário recuperou uma antiga loja, que agora adaptou para espaço de convívio.
Um espigueiro quase completa o quadro, ao qual António Santos quer ainda acrescentar uma piscina natural com as água do Pavia.
Praia fluvial ao lado
Próximo dos moinhos recuperados para turismo rural de habitação, está a praia fluvial de Segões, muito procurada no Verão. É das poucas oficialmente licenciadas como tal. Vigiada por socorristas encartados e com as águas analisadas com regularidade, a autarquia garante que os banhistas gozam de todas as condições de segurança. O espaço foi inaugurado há cerca de uma década e tem ostentado a bandeira verde, símbolo de qualidade.
Tem bar, instalações sanitárias e dezenas de lugares de estacionamento num patamar mais elevado. A praia é também frequentemente fiscalizada pelos serviços camarários, que impedem o campismo selvagem no local e sensibilizam os banhistas para os cuidados que devem ter quando vão à água ou correm pelas margens do rio.
Portugueses forçados a usar poupanças para pagar dívidas

Foot and mouth outbreak linked to lab
Officials from the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) said the strain detected in cattle is the same as one being used at the Pirbright lab a few miles from the infected area.
They could not say definitely that the laboratory is the source of the disease but immediately increased the size of the protection and surveillance zones covering farms in the area.
Defra said the strain is not one recently found in animals but is similar to ones used in diagnostic laboratories and vaccine production.
The strain is present at the Institute of Animal Health at Pirbright and was used in a vaccine batch manufactured last month by a pharmaceutical company which shares the site, Defra said.
The company, Merial Animal Health, has halted vaccine production on a precautionary basis.
In response to the findings, chief veterinary officer Debby Reynolds ordered a single protection zone to encompass both the infected farm premises and the Pirbright site, with a single 10km radius surveillance zone.
An urgent review has also been launched into biosecurity arrangements at Pirbright, led by Professor Brian Spratt of Imperial University, who will report to Environment Secretary Hilary Benn and Dr Reynolds.
Following the discovery of FMD on the farm near Guildford, the cattle were culled. Dr Reynolds said a cull had also taken place on an adjacent premises which had been identified as having "dangerous contact" with the infected herd. But she said a number of other potential cases reported in the wake of the outbreak had all proved to be negative.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown is due to chair a further meeting of emergency committee Cobra - the fourth of the current crisis - on Sunday morning.
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