I hope the poor little girl is found and returned safely. But parents need to be very aware how dangerous it is for children especially travelling abroad. If you must take your child never let them out of your sight and trust them to no one. There is a growing evil abroad in child abduction. The Police will be of little help as they will at first assume the child is simply lost. By the time they realixe it's an abduction it will be too late. The first few hours after a child goes missing are the most crucial. After 24hrs. the chances of recovering a child drops massively. Child adbuctors know this and specifically target foreign children. If you must take your child travelling abroad have them finger'foot printed and photographed before leaving. Then Heaven forbid if anything should happen you can give the information to the pollice to assist them. Never take your childs safety for granted, don't let a moment of distraction turn into a life time of regret and sorrow
- Pat, Edinburgh
What kind of parent leaves their very YOUNG children, in an apartment, in a foreign country alone for hours at a time??I really do hope they find Madeleine alive and well. But I sincerely hope there will be some serious consideration on whether to return her to her parents or not.
- Becky, Wokingham
Why can't they release the registration number to all petrol stations? Obviously these people have to get petrol from somewhere in Spain or Portugal etc. This could be so easily put to an end to and Maddy returned safe. My thoughts are with her.
- Joanne Lynn, Glasgow Scotland
I feel nothing short of contempt for those responsible for Madeleine's abduction, AND the obvious shortcomings of the Portugese Police! I join the rest of the World in praying that these sorry excuse-for-human-beings finally come to their senses and set that beautiful, much-loved little angel free, somewhere safe where she can be found! As a mother of two, I send my prayers to her Parents.
- Freda, West Yorkshire, England
Our thoughts are with you and your whole family. We crave news that will bring a positive ending to your nightmare. Keep strong.
- Alison Roberts, Buckingham, UK
Very unfortunate circumstances! I really do feel for the parents and family. My prayers are with them all and I hope Maddy is returned in safe hands.
- Aysha, Gloucester, UK
The efforts of the Portugese Police goes to show how much more efficient our Police are at organising searches and starting a major enquiry. I wish everyone involved in this search the very best of success. Our thoughts are with the parents and family at this terrible time. To those individuals who've snatched the child - give her back now. It doesn't matter how you do it - just get on with it now!
- John Bowley, Winchester England
Our prayers and thoughts are with Madeleine's parents. We are praying for her safe return.
- Kay, JHB, SA
Why has it taken a week for this information to come to light? Let's hope it is positive and she is returned to safety as quickly as possible.
- Ian, UK
The story of Maddy has really touched my heart. Having children of the same age, I can't even imagine the anguish her parents are feeling right now. I pray every day that she is found and that the heartless criminal/s be brought to justice for the unforgivable crime of taking a child from her loving family. It makes me feel so angry, upset and frightened that there are such evil people in this world, how dare they do this, how dare they. Lets all pray that this new information leads to finding her. God bless you Maddy, may the lord keep you safe
- Emma, London
I hope they catch these people ASAP and Madeline is returned safely back to her parents.
- Brandon Thomas, London
I really pray and hope that little Maddie is found. I feel for the parents as they will never forgive themselves. I am guessing if it was Maddie in the garage then it was a highly dis-organised crime, and I just pray and hope there will be more loop-holes to be found.
- Mary, Dublin, Ireland
I also read somewhere that the lady went into the garage shop with the little girl and told the girl to say "thank you" in Portuguese. I am no detective but I don't think this woman is Maddy's kidnapper and the girl is Maddy. The reason for this is that if you kidnap someone you don't usually want to draw attention to yourself and your victim, unless it is part of your plan...
- Vicky, Southampton, UK
I really feel for these parents and hope and pray she is returned safely. I do feel that the longer she is missing there is less hope she will be returned safely. I have a little grand-daughter and I know if anything like this happened I would be distraught.
- Terry Ballard, Hornchurch, Essex
Another day, and Mady has not yet been found . As a mother myself or as a human being I fell so stressed so I cannot imagine how much her family must be feeling right now.
Let's keep praying for her to came back. She belongs to her parents , please give her back to them.
God bless you.
Isabel, London,
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