An upside-down toy railway which saves space by hugging the ceiling has been created by inventor Keith Beadle.
The railway modeller spent three years perfecting the system, which uses a series of carefully balanced magnets to hold the locomotives and rolling stock in place.

The former electrician, from Crewe, said he had the brainwave while playing with his trains.
'I am always short of space for my layouts and it makes me a bit unpopular at home if I've got trains running around the living room,' he said.
'So I looked at the ceiling and realised that it was an empty space just waiting to be filled. So far I've made three tracks that all work really well, including a figure of eight. It is a question of getting the magnets just right. It was trial and error at first but now I have got it down to a fine art.'
The 73-year-old has spent £5,000 on patents and is now looking for a manufacturer to turn it into a commercial toy.
'Space is at a premium these days in every home and that's why I think a model railway that runs on the ceiling is a winner,' he said.
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