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Radio Viseu Cidade Viriato

quinta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2008

Snake found in photocopier

A snake is not what you expect to find when you go to make a photocopy.

But Denis Matthews found a metre long snake was the cause of a paper jam.

He found the brown tree snake had curled up comfortably in his photocopier.

The nocturnal brown tree snake is often referred to as the night tiger and is usually very aggressive when confronted.

Mr Matthews, from Lismore in Australia, attempted to coach it out through the back of the machine, but the snake seemed reluctant to budge.

He told goldcoast.com: "When I used a long pointer to encourage the snake to move, it reluctantly came out through the front, under the monitor screen and round the back of the computer case."

He suspects the snake is still in the computer room as small objects have been knocked off shelves.

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