The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) said it had received 91 reports of broken Homecraft Rolyan Savanah seats.
The MHRA said six people had fallen off the toilet because the seat slipped, with injuries including bumps to the head, bruising and back injury.
One woman died following one of the incidents, although it was not clear to what extent the fall had contributed to her death, the MHRA said.
It urged the public and health and social care providers to be vigilant over the two and four-inch raised seats.
Nearly 25,000 of the seats were sold in the UK between May 2007 and January. However, they do not carry a batch or serial number.
The product codes are AA2112 and AA2112L for the two-inch seats and AA2114Y and AA2114L for the four-inch seats.
MHRA spokesman Clive Bray said: "The MHRA has received reports of 91 seats being affected so far where the rubber pad has come away from the brackets which are used to secure the toilet seat.
"Six of the reports resulted in the person falling off the toilet because the toilet seat slipped. Injuries have included bumps to the head, bruising and back injury.
"Tragically following one of these incidents a woman died, although it is not clear how much the fall contributed to her death."
People can report any safety related issues concerning medical devices to the MHRA by calling 0207 084 3080 or visiting www.mhra.gov.uk.
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