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Radio Viseu Cidade Viriato

sábado, 2 de junho de 2007

Order you portable ashtray here

The 1st of July is set to change people’s lives culturally when the Government introduce smoke free legislation, which could lead to increased litter on our streets. By encouraging smokers to take greater responsibility on how they dispose of their cigarette litter will help Keep Britain Tidy.

Ashcan Tel: 01892 538 717

Stubbi Tel: 020 8505 9287

Butts & GumTel: 0845 838 2527

ButtsOut (UK) LtdTel: 01206 835102

Mini-bin keyringTel: 08707 669 742

CSR SolutionsTel: 0844 544 9601

Courtesy from Encams

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