Police say a criminal set his phasers to 'rob' when he tried using a Klingon weapon from Star Trek to demand money from two convenience stores.
Authorities in Colorado Springs say the man took an unknown amount of cash from a 7-Eleven store on Wednesday. He also attempted to rob another store about 25 minutes later, but left empty-handed.
Police Lt. David Whitlock says no one wasThe man is believed to have been using a bat'leth, the traditional yard-long double-pointed scimitar favoured by Klingon warriors.
As everybody knows, the first bat'leth was said to have been created by the first Emperor of the Klingon Empire, Kahless the Unforgettable, who dropped a lock of his hair into the lava from the Kri'stak Volcano, before plunging the lava-covered hair into the lake of Lursor, and twisting it to form a blade.
Police did not specify what material the bat'leth used by the robber was made of.
No one has been charged in the incident.
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