Officers working for North Wales Police cost the taxpayer nearly £3,000 in the last 12 months by pumping gallons of petrol into their diesel engines, reported the Welsh Daily Post.
In 2006 the force introduced bright yellow filler cap covers marked with the word "diesel". But that did not stop officers making the same mistake 26 times.
The information was released under the Freedom of Information Act.
A force spokesman said: "To insert the fuel nozzle, the flap must be physically moved which should bring the fuel type to the drivers' attention.
"This has proven to be an effective mis-fuelling device."
Some police forces are installing state-of-the-art light-activated devices which play a recorded message to remind motorists they are driving a diesel.
The RAC said in the last decade it has recorded a 385% increase in the number of call-outs to drivers filling up with the wrong fuel.
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