An 11-foot mako shark has been compared to the movie maneater in Jaws after being caught off the coast of Florida

The mako was snared by six friends who were on a fishing trip to catch grouper fish.
The fishermen first noticed the big shark because it kept eating the grouper and scamp they had already hooked.
While the boat's captain, Robert Hill described the fish as being "like Jaws", fisherman Adlee Bruner described the huge struggle to bring the shark in.
"It was tense" he said. "I've fished for 40 years. I've never seen one that big."
The 844lb catch took more than an hour to bring in, and even after having been hooked firmly and having its tail roped the crew still could not bring the shark on board.
Eventually they tied it to the back of the boat and dragged it on the four-hour journey back to shore.
The massive mako has already broken the record for the biggest fish ever caught at the Destin Fishing Rodeo.
Even after it had been gutted it still weighed 638lb - more than twice the previous record.
Jaws: It's Rare - But Could Be Great White
It's rare - but the shark spotted off the Cornish coast could be a visiting great white, says Ollie Crimmen, fish curator at the Natural History Museum. But it's impossible to tell from the images whether it is one of the terrifying beasts, he tells Sky.
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