- There are an amazing 500 million cats in the world! And 92% of them are moggies, or non-pedigree cats
- A cat's heart beats twice as fact as a humans, which means it beats at around 140 beats per minute.
- Female cats can have kittens from when they are only six-months-old. They can have three litters every year, having around five kittens each time – now that's a lot of babies!
- Cats 'knead' with their paws when they are happy.
- Cats don't meow at other cats; it's a noise they just use for humans.
- If a cat is falling it can turn its body so that it lands safely
- In ancient Egypt cats were considered sacred animals.
- There have been domesticated (pet) cats for 8000 years!
- Scientists think that having a pet cat is good for your health. This is because cats are relaxing to be around, so people are less likely to get illnesses like high blood pressure.
- When cats rub up against you they're putting some of their scent on you, which means they like you and think you belong to them.
- Cats are sleepy creatures and can snooze for up to 20 hours a day!
- Have you noticed how cats' eyes shine in the dark? This is because they have a layer inside which acts like a mirror. The lights set into roads are called 'cats eyes' because they work in a similar way.
- There's a popular myth that cats have nine lives. It comes from the fact that cats are very supple and often escape dangerous situations.
- Pet cats usually live until they are between 14 and 20 years-old, but the oldest cat lived for an amazing 36 years!
- Cats usually weigh between 2.5 and 7kg, but there are some breeds which are much bigger. A Maine Coon cat can weigh over 11kg, and the largest cat ever recorded was a whopping 23kg!
- Cats have an amazing sense of hearing. They have 32 muscles in each ear and can move each ear independently of the other.
- Cats love being high up. This is because they like to have a great view of what's going on around them, including other cats, people and prey.
- If you've ever been licked by a cat you'll know that their tongues feel very odd. It's because their covered in sharp spines (called papillae) which are useful when they are eating meat. They are also used when cats lick themselves to groom their fur.
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