An admirer has had a particularly lively image of Prof Stephen Hawking tattooed on his leg as a tribute to the theoretical physicist and his achievements.
Fan Jack Newton said: 'He has worked on some ground-breaking scientific research and is an amazing example of how illness does not necessarily stop a man from doing great things. He's an inspiration to us all.'
The trainee artist came up with the idea after reading the Cambridge professor's best-seller, A Brief History Of Time.
'To be honest, I didn't understand a word but I respect the man,' said the 23-year-old from Brighton.
Suitably resolved, he made space and time to have the wheelchair-bound physicist's likeness inked on to his right calf.
He then added a line from Monty Python's Life Of Brian – 'He's not the Messiah. He's a very naughty boy' – possibly in a bid to lighten up the otherwise highly cerebral image.
The entire effort, at Angelic Hall tattoo studio, took artist Stewart Francis seven hours.
But it was time well spent. The depiction of the 66-year-old scientist has already won two trophies at tattoo conventions.
The next project is not yet clear but, given Mr Newton's fertile imagination, the thigh's the limit...
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