German pop star Ramma Damma, aka Ulli Hopper, decided to get married – to a pineapple.
Picking up his bride for about £8 – he wanted one who wasn't cheap – he drove her across the Scottish border to Gretna Green in a Jaguar covered in green AstroTurf.
There he and the pineapple – which he affectionately named Tippi – were wed before returning to his home in Munich.
'We drove through the night – it was a fun away wedding, not a runaway wedding,' he said.
'I loved her. I wanted to marry her. We stayed in Gretna Green Hall Hotel and we were married by a craftsman wearing a kilt.
'We enjoyed meals out. We would go to restaurants and she would enjoy a glass of water over dinner.
'Tippi loved to go to the movies – especially ones about earthquakes – and she would sit on my lap when she got scared.'
Now in case you were wondering why you've never heard of Hopper, this all happened 38 years ago.
But although Tippi has long since departed, the union has borne fruit.
Today, Hopper is known as the Green Rebel in Munich, where he runs the only 'plant sanctuary' in Germany, accommodating 300 indoor plants.
The 65-year-old is almost completely self-sufficient, even making his own stinging nettle spaghetti or brewing plum cider in a 230-litre bin.
'I will defend every plant,' he said. 'They are the wonders of our world – we just to need to listen to them.'
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