Nadia, 43-year-old Tatyana Barabanova's twelfth child, was delivered by Caesarean section in the local maternity hospital in Russia's Altai region on September 17.
She joins eight sisters and three brothers, all of whom weighed in at more than 11lbs.
"We were all simply in shock," said Nadia's mother. "What did the father say? He couldn't say a thing - he just stood there blinking."
"I ate everything, we don't have the money for special foods so I just ate potatoes, noodles and tomatoes," she added.
New-born Nadia is even bigger than Mexican baby Super Tonio who caused a sensation in February when he came into the world weighing a massive 14.5lbs.
Antonio Vasconcelos was also born by Caesarian and measured an enormous 22 inches in length.
Another Antonio, born in Salvador, Brazil, in January 2005, weighed an enormous 16lbs 11ozs when proud mother Teresa Alejandra Cruz, 23, gave birth.
Seven years earlier, his younger sister arrived weighing 11.46lbs.
According to Guinness World Records, the heaviest baby born to a healthy mother was a boy weighing 22lbs 8ozs, in Aversa, Italy, in September 1955.
The average weight for most healthy newborn babies is around 7.06lbs, according to World Health Organisation figures.
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